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Why Agricultural Drainage Is Important

June 5, 2023

Agricultural drainage is like the drainage in a garden on a much larger scale and while its benefits are similar the payoff is quite different. If your flower bed has poor drainage, you're the only one affected, whereas if a field of crops has poor drainage, anyone who would have eaten those crops is affected. According to Statista, agriculture is responsible for up to 72% of global water use. Because society relies on growing crops in order to live, it's vital that the drainage is excellent in those soils. This article will take a look at the importance of agricultural drainage and the impact of improper drainage systems.

Poor Drainage Means Dying Plants

If a field has poor drainage, chances are some or all of the plants in that field will drown or develop conditions like root rot. Overwatered soil leads to roots becoming waterlogged and unable to obtain the nutrients they need. The roots can be susceptible to fungal infections from water-loving pathogens as well which can also be deadly to the plant. When growing crops, it's vital that you contact an expert in farm drainage in order to guarantee your plants can avoid these common life-threatening issues.

Overly Moist Soil Attracts Bugs

Many types of bugs like moisture and overly moist soil may attract a variety of pests. These bugs could then munch on the plants in the field for lunch, destroying the crops. They could also be a danger to the humans working in the field. Mosquitoes, for example, love stagnant water and when water doesn't properly drain they will use puddles that have formed as breeding grounds. Agricultural drainage put in place by a professional company helps to manage the excess water on your property, making it less attractive to random bugs.

Good Drainage Reduces Erosion

When drain tiles are in place, it's a lot easier for heavy rain to fall without leading too much erosion. Good drainage preserves the topsoil in the field and protects the roots of plants that need to stay buried. When there isn't a proper drainage system in place, the water pools at the tops and may take soil with it when it flows. Be sure to work with a local company that installs drain tiles to prevent root exposure, protect your soil, and make sure you won't have to worry about any storms destroying your fields.

If you're having trouble with agricultural drainage in your fields, you'll want to call a company that will help you address the issue promptly. Don't let your crops sit in poorly draining soil for another day. Call Landmark Companies today to get started and learn more about the importance of proper drainage.

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